The autumn series! :) :)
Between preparing for my final semester, massive project deadlines, and my etsy business, life has been rather hectic to say the least. That being said, autumn is nearly upon us. Well, not quite (after all July and August are the HOTTEST months in my opinion) but I know how you brides love to plan early for your big day, thus I have taken special measures to bring you a wonderful assortment of autumn accessories in advance. It is also my favorite season, which means I always go overkill on the leaves, acorns, twigs...."while visions of buttoned up sweaters and cocoa and hay rides danced in her head.." Oh wait, Santa, that is your line! ;)
Anyway, what this means is basically my work room (which also happens to contain my bed) looks like the only room in the house where a cyclone has hit.....proof in pictures!

I wish I could say this is unusual for my desk, but it's scarily comfortable. I am a firm believer in two things: orderliness (I am the queen of sticky notes, bulletin boards, and sharpies) EXCEPT when it comes to my creative zone, especially my desk. There I need it all in sight - when things are too contained, labelled, and sorted, makes me nervous and unable to find a creative spark anywhere. Sad, but true. If there is one thing I also firmly believe, it is that NO artist should apologize for the way they best get things done. There is truly no one system for all artists to work the most creatively and efficiently, so don't ever apologize for what works for you.
I am so excited to be making autumn accessories again. Watch my shop for new listings daily! And of course, if you want something custom made, it's easy as pie (pumpkin pie, if you please) to send me a list of a few of your likes/dislikes and I'll make you something super-duper special and uniquely "you"!
Love, Blanche
I am messy when I create, also..... I feel more creative with my stuff scattered all about me where I can see it. :)
Blanche! Hi, I had no idea you were on blogger. Anyway, gorgeous as always and your messy desk is inspiring!
thank you both for comments! Yes i don't think there's a fix for the messy desk. I keep telling myself if it's ok, so long as what it up in my head stays organized. I think that's the difference!
I am busy this morning sorting newspaper clippings and other bits of inspiration floating around, trying to pin them onto these big bulletin boards I put up over my bed. It involves wire and clothes pins....lol I will put pics up soon!
typo..didn't mean to say "IF it's ok" - hmm, I'm still trying to figure out how to edit blog replies.
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