Wednesday, May 5, 2010

dear readers...I sorry

First off, I want to apologize for being away from the blog for so long - time flew by SO FAST over the semester as my graphic design projects piled up and consumed my life...I feel so bad that I barely even had time to keep up with custom orders! I did not intentionally neglect you!! SO....the GOOD NEWS is that I am back full-time for the summer, and cannot wait to fill up my shop with all kinds of fun things to keep y'all coming back! *wink wink*

I've also found an amazing support group for etsy at my school here in Missouri. I have become quite a networker, lol, giving out friends' business cards (and plenty of my own too) and chatting up people in line at the grocery store, the mall, etc....whouda thunk I'd become one of "those" people!! ;) But people are always curious to find out what "young people" are doing for work while they're in school..hmmm... and so I've convinced a couple of friends to quit their fast-food jobs and give Etsy a try. I'll post their shops once they're up n' running!

Meanwhile, here's a sampling of new shop goodies, with more on the way! Oh and YES - and a giveaway is coming up too!

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